Song: You'll Find Me
MP3 File
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You'll Find MeLyrics
You'll Find Me
I see you walking, I see you
Pulling that heavy load alone
Will this ever end
Do you need a friend
Hey love, hey love, is it me you're looking for
By and by, by and by, sweet by, by, and by
You'll find me
I see you running, I see you
Trying so hard to make things right
Did you find a way
Have you seen better days
Hey love, hey love, is it me you're looking for
Close the door, come rest your weary head
You can stay here for a while
By and by, by and by, sweet by, by, and by
Let me linger over you
What these hours can do
My love, it's been so long
Close the door, come rest your weary head
You can stay here for a while
By and by, by and by, sweet by, by, and by
You'll find me
Jeff Taylor
Jeff Taylor
Steve Miksell
Patroned by
First Presbyterian Church of Bellevue
Produced by
Recorded, Engineered and Mastered by
Keith Compton at Mole End Studio
Derived from
Golden Countenance by Makoto Fujimura
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.